Reply to post: Re: I don't believe it.

While Zuck squirmed, Reddit revealed it found and killed 944 Russian troll factory accounts

Voland's right hand Silver badge

Re: I don't believe it.

There are still, in every thread on any remotely contentious political topic, blatant Russian posts.

So? Censor anyone who does not spout blatant pro-Boris/May/Trump or god forbid Nuke-Head John Bolton trash? Sure. That is how dictatorships start.

Posts like that are HARMLESS· First of all, you can clearly identify them. Second, you cannot combat propaganda without seeing the material you are supposed to combat. Let them lay their cards on the table. Just like this rubbish about Western sponsored oligarchs in the post you linked to. Western sponsored my arse. Retired KGB, Army and Milicia uniting with organized crime - that is more like it.

The right way to combat propaganda is not to censor it - USSR tried that and we know the result. The right way to combat propaganda is with Truth. Every time we tried that it works. Every time we try to do a Boris instead it ends up as a clusterf*ck.

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