Reply to post: Re: Wonder what effect ethanol has on the proteins?

Birds can feel Earth's magnetic fields? Yeah, that might fly. Bioboffins find vital sense proteins

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Wonder what effect ethanol has on the proteins?

It appears to cause the mainly blue/green sensitive rod cells to increase in sensitivity, causing colour shifts and blue wash effects.

Interestingly I had a similar reaction with generic anti histamines. Stopped taking them after I essentially blacked out for 5 hours and didn't remember doing some very intricate micro-soldering and other tasks like washing up. Thought it was the day before!

Its worth mentioning that a lot of the problems seem to be that some people get a severe reaction due to some combination of genetics and physiology, have a missing copy of a bilirubin related enzyme but that shouldn't do anything significant so I have no idea what caused it.

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