Reply to post: Re: Sooo...

Mind the gap: Men paid 18.6% more than women in Blighty tech sector

Ken Hagan Gold badge

Re: Sooo...

"It's not being a woman that causes you to earn less, it's being a mother."

The specifically "mother" part of being a parent doesn't keep you out of the work-force for very long. Perhaps you should try substituting "father" or "parent" into that statement. It probably *is* true that those without children (or who are just crap parents who never see their kids) get on better in their careers, but I'm not sure I feel comfortable recommending crap parenting to fix our social problems.

The earlier suggestion about equalising maternity and paternity rights is probably the way forward. Women then take shorter career breaks. Men start taking career breaks. Employers no longer have any reason to discriminate by sex. Mothers get out more and stay sane. Fathers get stuck in more and learn why their wives are going a bit doo-lally. Kids get a more diverse up-bringing. I see no down-side. Those men who don't want to play can learn how to use a condom.

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