Reply to post: Re: NEWSFLASH

Mind the gap: Men paid 18.6% more than women in Blighty tech sector

Geoffrey W


@Tigra "Person A - A male doctor who works 48 hours a week. Person B - A female receptionist who works 36 hours a week. The gender pay gap uses figures for the whole healthcare sector (instead of just similar jobs) to therefore claim women are discriminated against as they're being paid less. It's bullshit. This is the system working properly."

Another myth being peddled.

If there were as many female doctors as male doctors, then the gap should be minimal.

Ask yourself why not more female doctors? And don't say they don't want to be doctors so its their choice.

And if it did happen to be the case that women really didn't want to be doctors, then ask your self how it is that everything women do want to be just happens to be the worst paid jobs going. Doesn't seem likely to me. Seems more likely to be lack of opportunity or discouragement.

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