Reply to post: Re: Why offer an $800 iPad that can do the work of a $1000 Mac? One word: profit.

Why a merged Apple OS is one mash-up too far

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Why offer an $800 iPad that can do the work of a $1000 Mac? One word: profit.

if I actually NEED a slab for something, I'll get a cheapo $50 'droid slab.

99% or more of the "computing" I do requires a KEYBOARD AND A MOUSE. Sticking my fingers between my eyeballs and what I'm looking at [as well as lifting hand WAY off of the keyboard, and having to put it back on 'home row' again] is ANTI-PRODUCTIVITY.

As long as Apple doesn't do "a Micro-shaft" and try to UNIFY THE UI, it should be fine. Because you can't do a keyboard+mouse on a slab in any kind of PRACTICAL way, and putting the SLAB interface on a desktop is why Windows "Ape" and WIN-10-NIC *STINK* *SO* *BAD*. [that and the slurp, ads, and "forced", but the UI is the worst part of it all].

I am so SICK of the Australis "everything is a slab" MIGRATION [over the cliff like lemmings]. It makes me want to VOMIT. Apple needs to "think different" and *NOT* *GO* *THERE*!!!

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