Reply to post: Re: "supports Trump's arguments that the media is biased against him"

Donald Trump jumps on anti-tech bandwagon, gets everything wrong


Re: "supports Trump's arguments that the media is biased against him"

Bob, the problem with "reading between the lines" as you claim to do, is that what you're reading is of your own invention.

I've seen Trump tell the truth quite a bit, such as the successes from his policies with respect to the economy.

According to most economists, Trump's economic policies, up until the gigantic tax cuts, had negligible effect upon the economy. The economy had been coasting along under Obama policies for a year. This sort of lag is true after any presidential transition, it just went on for longer in Trump's case because of the inability of the party that controls the presidency, the house, the senate and the supremes to actually get anything done.

Has he ever LIED? Probably. But from what I can tell, not as President, at least not like Bill Clinton nor Barack Obaka did. Or as a candicate, like Mrs. Clinton.

Several media source have compiled lists of the lies he's told as a candidate and as a president. They give references, which you can check. You'll probably dismiss those references, but In quite a few cases there are links to video clips of the man himself, so they're not inventing those.

One great example is audio of the man admitting that he made shit up when talking to Trudeau recently.

See The Washington Post's database of Trump lies. The New York Times' database of Trump lies (only goes as far as Dec 14th). Politifact's Trump score card (the "pants on fire" link there leads to much hilarity).. There are others.

Most amusing are when the likes of Trevor Noah, Seth Meyers and even Stephen Colbert expose his lies.

Do you remember candidate Trump criticising Obama for all the golf he played and saying that he (Trump) wouldn't have time to play any golf at all? He's now played more hours of golf as president than Obama did in 8 years.

The problem with reading between the lines is that you're ignoring the lines themselves.

I'll just leave this with "just because you proclaim it does not make it true". But you're probably pandering to a perception, like so many do these days, and acting AS IF it is true

Oh, the projection. Oh, the irony.

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