Reply to post: Re: Bifurcating a spectrum often leads to problems

Java-aaaargh! Google faces $9bn copyright bill after Oracle scores 'fair use' court appeal win


Re: Bifurcating a spectrum often leads to problems

So in a perfect world, both companies will spend a fortune on lawyers, in a case that causes them huge management headaches and goes on for years and years. Making both of them look bad. Then ends in an inconclusive judgement where they've both lost a fortune.

So here's to endless appeals, and huge retainers and refreshers for m'learned friends! Cheers!

Problem is, it would cause years upon years of uncertainty for vendors, developers and end-users. Sure, the Java part would be simple: just don't use Java for *anything*. But the possibility of a blanket precedent of "APIs are copyrightable" could halt technological advancement. Of course, at the fast rate the internet itself is turning to shit, we'll soon be back to letter-writing and old-school "dumbphones". Maybe even back to typewriters when lawsuits and patent-trolling make even our computers untenable.

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