Reply to post: Re: All that lovely data mined from the ???dark??? depths of the connected world.

Cambridge Analytica 'privatised colonising operation', not a 'legitimate business', says whistleblower

Voland's right hand Silver badge

Re: All that lovely data mined from the ???dark??? depths of the connected world.

The Guardian: Are you ready? This is all the data Facebook and Google have on you

I am. Which is exactly why I have no f***book account, no twitter account, no use of gmail for anything but android phone related stuff and we as a family all use our own mail server. I cannot unfortunately kill all the Android tracking for now, but I at the very least try to make Google's life as difficult as possible.

That is done on purpose exactly because of this. A large section of the El Reg population is in the same boat.

It is nice to see the mainline media picking up something we have been droning about for more than a decade while everyone was dismissing us as crazy old computer paranoiacs.

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