Reply to post: Re: The Swiss are in it

Galileo, Galileo, Galileo, off you go: Snout of UK space forcibly removed from EU satellite trough

Lars Silver badge

Re: The Swiss are in it

So many errors in your comment, Britain is not the second-biggest contributor.

The EU did not viewed Britain as a milch cow to be exploited but largely ignored*.

Nor is it true that "Cameron got the cold shoulder treatment and got no concessions at all".

He did get some concessions, but returning to your claim of "second-biggest contributor" which isn't true, it is "four", it's not how a union could, or should, if democratic, operate.

What if Germany as the biggest contributor could, whenever, ask for new concessions and get them, not to mention France, the second biggest contributor, should they also be able to have whatever concessions they like because of that.

Cameron was stabbed in the back, poor boy, still I am fairly sure he is a decent father, husband and human being, but still a hapless boy. With his face and voice he looked less convincing speaking even the truth than both Farage and Boris not to mention JRM in full rubbish mode.

This is not to say I don't agree with some of your comments.

* if you really believe that I would claim it's because you, like so many Brits, are just totally unused to cooperate with anybody on equal terms, as that has never been required of you before, it was hard even with the Americans during WW2..

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