Reply to post: Re: "Hopefully not a sign of things to come for the UK space industry"

Galileo, Galileo, Galileo, off you go: Snout of UK space forcibly removed from EU satellite trough

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: "Hopefully not a sign of things to come for the UK space industry"

>As for the 'security' reasons... Well it is clear to me that the EU wants to take over European Defence from NATO.

The EU might want the power and the glory, or at least the money. I had hoped people had not forgotten already how EU reacted to the Balkans war: total paralysis until the US and Russia moved in on what essentially is the European back yard. We need not repeat the jokes about French war heroes but we might consider EU war heroes. And before anyone starts mounting their high horse of outrageousness, please remember Srebrenica.

>Understandable given the behaviour of POTUS.

That is a thin excuse about one US president who will be out of office at the latest in 7 years.

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