Reply to post: Re: Shame.

Cambridge Analytica CEO suspended – and that's not even the worst news for them today


Re: Shame.

"I did and it isn't the same. With regards to the holocaust that was perpetrated against people who could not help being Jewish, Slavic, Gypsy, Homosexual, or having a genetic illness."

You could end up in the camps for being a communist, a Catholic or a member of a trade union. You could argue that a Jew or a Catholic could give up their religion.

The holocaust was perpetuated against scapegoats and those who might oppose the fascists. Not just those who fell foul of the rules. Otherwise Hitler would have ended up in a camp on account of having too much Jew ancestry.

Bear in mind a lot of what we have today, in terms of government and private company co-operation is quite literally fascism. To big to fail, PFI and the industrial military complex are manifestations of it.

Any point where you go from attacking a persons ideas/values/morals/actions to declaring them to be sub-human is the slippery slope. Because once it's OK to dehumanize a person, you can find a way to do it to the next one, and so on. Once they don't have their rights, then you can do what you like to them.

It's the same puerile (and unhelpful) attitude that supports/glorifies/jokes about rape in prison as being part of the process.

People do shitty things, but they don't stop being people.

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