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Uber's disturbing fatal self-driving car crash, a new common sense challenge for AI, and Facebook's evil algorithms


There have been speculation and some talks of initiated sources hinting as much, about the LIDAR being turned of to test how the platform performed without it. Because, even though LIDARs get a bit less than optimal performance with black clothes, it still works. And she had blue jeans, white sneakers and blonde hair, and a pushbike. There were plenty of things for the LIDAR to see, even if it was entirely blind to black. Which it is not.

There is also a front facing RADAR in the volvo platform, as well as several visible light cameras, those two systems are more of a backup to the LIDAR though, so if the LIDAR was turned off, that is extremely stupid to do with a zombie test performer.

And all other with autonomous vehicles in trials in traffic is using two people, one to read instruments and one that is constantly monitoring the road and conditions ready to take over at a moments notice. The other one will also help monitoring the road as the panels of the autonomous system does not necessitate constant overview.

The two operators can also keep eachother stimulated through the utter boredom of looking at a road, so as to not nod off.

Uber may not have broken the law, but they certainly have not performed due diligence for operating prototype vehicles with prototype control systems in public areas.

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