Reply to post: Welcome to the land of the escaped puritans.

US Senate green-lights controversial anti-sex-trafficking law amid warnings of power grab


Welcome to the land of the escaped puritans.


Okay folks:

It actually diminishes the chances these women individuals have to escape what they are forced into


Cull the adverts on websites such as Adultwork and Vivastreet and you kill the demand.

Ummm. Perhaps if you load the water supply with the correct hormones you might cull demand, but I can *assure* you that sex trafficking has been around for quite some time, and since it predates the printing press I *seriously* doubt that the logic of your argument will stand any test.

Now, as to legislation on this front, I'm going to point out that making it a crime to get paid to have sex *WILL NOT* stop prostitution. Making it a crime to *pay* for sex will not stop prostitution. Making it a crime to *talk* about getting paid for or paying for sex will not stop prostitution. So. Perhaps we need a framework that makes it *safer* to be a sex worker. That gives the sex workers (voluntary or otherwise) a way of complaining about their situation that allows the law to step in and remove the abusers, rather than criminalizing the actions of the sex workers or their customers?

Puritanism. It *STILL* exists. See Mississippi state laws.

Note: I am sincerely biased on this front. Someone I once cared about was removed from this planet by the stupidity of a legal system that criminalized the victims of sexual violence, and the emotional stigma of that environment. One of those laws was finally changed 23 years after she died.

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