Reply to post: Re: Ha urged to ensure punters can 'still roam like at home' after Brexit

codejunky Silver badge

Re: Ha

@ Dr_N

"Give it a bloody rest with your "Rampant hordes of brown folk!!!!" codejunky."

Your racism does bother me. Or you attempt to claim I am racist so you have something to complain about. Is the only thing on your mind people coloured different to you?

"And FFS have you ever tried brevity when posting? You're not trying to write a thesis."

Sorry but when discussing on a forum I prefer to interact with people who can read. And I can only assume my posts aint long enough since you still think I am racist. I can understand why dumbing it down would make it easier for you to pull apart incomplete arguments which is probably why your complaining and sticking to the race topic only with me.

In brief- no I wont bring myself down to your level. Sorry.

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