Reply to post: Okay, why is there shock here?

FYI: There's a cop tool called GrayKey that force unlocks iPhones. Let's hope it doesn't fall into the wrong hands!


Okay, why is there shock here?

A phone isn't a vault located in a military bunker. Phones should be looked at as the last place you keep sensitive information.

It's long been known, if someone gains physical control to your computer/device, etc... then they own it.

If not by using some 'secret killing box', then by another method.

So if you're a criminal conducting incriminating actions via your phone... don't be shocked if law enforcement uses it against you.

If you keep GPS active along with other 'features' active on your phone, don't be shocked when Google records your every move, puts the information into a database and then sells this information to Equifax; who then loses it when their database is breached. You chose to accept the risk. A phone shouldn't be looked at as being a secure safety deposit box located at Fort Knox.

You're InfoSec professionals. You're smart enough to look at this from the correct perspective of risk management. Don't get caught up in the emotion of this. Don't let the press or politicians twist your thinking. Keep your perspective true and remember, nothing is hack proof. So the loss or misuse of a box isn't any worse than someone not correctly securing information.

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