Reply to post: Grief, possibly death.

Office junior had one job: Tearing perforated bits off tractor-feed dot matrix printer paper

spold Silver badge

Grief, possibly death.

I've seen someone almost killed by a printer.

An old old ICL "hit-on-the-fly" model as big as a large freezer and with a very powerful tractor drive. The "hit" was powered by a 1 Farad capacitor (yes none of your poxy microfarads).

Anyway said individual was ripping off his printout... t'was a cold winter day and the unfortunate soul had omitted to take his scarf off... yes this was quickly ingested into the tractor drive ensuring much panic as he was about to become the first person strangled to death by a printer. Narrowly avoided by an emergency stop.

It was difficult to predict whether he would have had "RIP", "MWAH HA HA HA", or "TWAT" printed on his forehead if this had not been avoided.

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