Reply to post: Re: Diversity?

Developers dread Visual Basic 6, IBM Db2, SharePoint - survey

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Diversity?

"If you don't understand the shallowness and falsity of this claim, you are part of the problem."

Nope, that's a literal truth. If you refuse to admit it, then you are the problem who is barking at the wrong tree and you haven't even read the research. Or understood what it says.

"Microsoft’s research found that girls in the UK become interested in STEM subjects just before the age of 11 but this drops sharply when they turn 16. In addition, less than half (43%) of those surveyed said they would consider a career in STEM."

So most girls don't even consider the sector already at school and you say that there are not many females working in the area because they are not hired (because of gender).

Which, of course, is patentably false, the selection happens a long time before college/university and even longer time before these people are actually applying for job.

You could blame schooling system for that but that's something you don't do. Why?

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