Reply to post: Re: Drank the Google Kool aid

Airbus ditches Microsoft, flies off to Google


Re: Drank the Google Kool aid

"Spreadsheets - the Google version is severely limited. Quickly moved back to excel in my own laptop."

Why Google can't fix how to sort on multiple columns I don't know, but they claim no one needs it. Or on one does it because of how hard they made it:

In Excel - select the range, click Sort, pick the order of the columns to sort, and click OK

in Google Sheets - select the range, sort on the last column you want to sort by, then the second to last, then the third to last.... and finally by the first column you want to sort by.

Then if you update the data and need to redo the sort:

In Excel - select the range, click Sort (it remembers how you did it before!!), and click OK

in Google Sheets - kill yourself...

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