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Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: No one will read this new report ...

"I'm not saying that Kim is a nice bloke, but lets start to compare him to Bashar al-Assad, Robert Mugabe,"

One of these is not like the other.

Assad is not a nice person. Churchill was not a nice person. Had the Germans invaded Britain, poison gas was just one of the things we planned to use along with sabotage (which would have resulted in massacres of civilians this being German modus operandi) and you can imagine that part of the country would stay under Government control and would find itself bombing German-held areas in towns and cities, with many civilian deaths.

People forget or are not reminded that Syria is being invaded by foreign forces, proxies for Israel, Saudi and the United States. Whereas Mugabe and Kim are in countries that, frankly, nobody would want to invade.

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