Reply to post: Re: He's right, but no one here will accept it

FBI chief asks tech industry to build crypto-busting not-a-backdoor

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: He's right, but no one here will accept it

Reading the garbage that flows from your head is enough to cause genuine physical discomfort in anyone who speaks English as their first language. Until I reading your posts, I never knew it was possible to pervert the structure of a language so badly, that it should be considered a crime against humanity.

Clearly, you've no concept of proper capitalization or punctuation, and that would only be mildly annoying, if it weren't combined with the fact that you have no grasp on the most basic grammar.

First off, let's talk about adjectives and nouns. Adjectives are the words we use to modify or describe nouns; and nouns are persons, places, things, or ideas.

Secondly, let's talk about verbs. These are the words used to describe an action, state, or occurrence, and forming the main part of the predicate of a sentence. Sometimes, if we're feeling whimsical, we could also "verb" a noun, by using it in place of a verb (like I just did in quotes,) and if you've ever spent any amount of time "Facebooking" you'd see countless examples, like "adulting" or "Googling" being used all over the place.

However, something that is absolutely not a thing (and definitely not a noun or a verb) is an "adjectivising" (which I just made up, because as I mentioned, "verbing" is an actual thing.) The reason I just "verbed" adjective like that, was because there was literally no other word to describe what you did to the word "fornicating" in the following sentence:

"The cops can do REAL police work instead of being FORNICATING LAZY."

You attempted to "adjective" a verb, and produced a sentence that's so hard to look at, that you'd have to go trolling the dark web before you'd see anything that would make you feel more uncomfortable. It's bad enough that you type with Tourette's and the content of your writing is just idiotic nonsense--but that crosses a line! Someone can be "lazy fornicating" but they absolutely cannot be "fornicating lazy!" Maybe if you threw a comma in there, you could be "fornicating, lazy" and add a few other things onto the list while you're at it--but verbs are not adjectives.

Bob, you're not being "cool" or "telling us like it is" and you're definitely not Ted Nugent. Even "The Nuge" isn't as awful as you, because he's at least being creative when he starts making up his own adjectives. You just take words that already exist and use them completely wrong. If it were even possible to count the exact number, I'd be willing to bet that you've forced words into more places that they didn't belong, than Kevin Spacey or Harvey Weinstein ever did with their hands. Obviously, there can be no comparison between the extent of the damage done to the victims in either case, because on one hand, I'm comparing acts of perversion that are so egregious, that only pedophilia ranks worse--and on the other hand, I'm talking about the alleged actions of Kevin Spacey and Harvey Weinstein.

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