Reply to post: Misquoting

BlackBerry unveils bold new strategy: Suing the c**p out of Facebook



Doesn't make the misquote true, or even relevant. Yes, I saw what FB said, and how fast the admission that it probably had zero effect was rolled back. Not because it was untrue - no one said it was, but because it didn't justify the owner's narrative.

They didn't say they helped elect the orange one - that's a flat untruth, dunno where you got that, maybe your own echo chamber.

A tiny number of cheap ads were sold to Russians - Billions were spent by the campaigns. And one wonders who put all that divisive stuff into even foreign media. Though we can guess it was probably a certain hungarian PNG in his own country who likes to fund subversion at one level remove via foundations with nice names and bad behavior - he admits to "hungarian hacking" - and it's a heck of a lot more dough.

I suspect Jill Stein's investigation into voting irregularities had the opposite effect intended, it sure didn't look good - and was stopped right away "for some reason".

The point being, it's bad enough without making stuff up - and I haven't even gone to that depth yet. Let's don't....

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