Reply to post: Re: Fast alone is not enough

Up to 25% of new builds still can't get superfast broadband – study

Jellied Eel Silver badge

Re: Fast alone is not enough

But we're probably more informed than most customers. And probably developers. Those I think fall into 2 camps-

Ones that don't care, and don't know about this-

Where Openreach explains all. And by 'developers', that should include architects and other planners. It's a lot easier if this is done as the ground works are being planned.

The camp are probably the developers who view this as something that can be lumped into a 'service charge', or charged seperately as a service. Because the developer's got a son/mate who might be able to config a LAN switch, and it's easy money. That camp may then go out of their way to obstruct owners from switching services.. So if a new development promises 'super fast broadband', be wary.

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