Reply to post: Simple solution

Ex-Google recruiter: I was fired for opposing hiring caps on white, Asian male nerds

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Simple solution

Use anonymous hiring techniques up until the final interviews, for a couple of years, and at the end of it take some measurements. I think any major organisation can say, hand on heart, that it is diverse, and does not discriminate, if it can show numbers are being hired more or less in proption to the size of each talent pool from each grouping (race/nationality/sex/ethnicity/whatever). If a given grouping has a smaller given talent pool, I don’t think it is Google’s responsibility to solve that problem (though they’re welcome to try). However, once you have hard numbers, you can:

1. Fix any problems within the organisation (and yes, I have met the Asian manager who only seems interested in recruiting people looking to renew their visas).

2. Externally apply some good science, as opposed to some of the pseudo bullshit race science that seems to get a lot of support here amongst the alt-wrong types (well researched my fat, hairy arse).

Anon - the former manager I mentioned is a very sore point within the organisation.

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