Reply to post: Re: Nice ROE

Full shift to electric vans would melt Royal Mail's London hub, MPs told

Ken Hagan Gold badge

Re: Nice ROE

"But we're at the beginning of the end of the oil age, and its nothing to do with settling for less - when the time comes, I won't have an electric car because I'll be forced to, or because the oil ran out; I'll have one because I'll want one. And I never thought I'd say that!"

I'm reminded of the old (*) quote about the stone age not ending for want of stones. (* Googling,, it seems to be unclear just how old this quote is. Although the web seems to be struggling to find terribly old sources, I suspect that is just because the records prior to the mid-90s are harder to search electronically. I'm almost certain that my father cited the sentiment to me when I was a child in the 1970s, so it must have been a bit of a truism even then.)

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