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Google: Class search results as journalism so we can dodge Right To Be Forgotten

I ain't Spartacus Gold badge

Re: Show me...

I suspect, from the later paragraphs quoted from the argument, that Google's argument may be a little more subtle.

I suspect they're trying to say that journalists use Google to do searches. Which is definitely true. So if some of their searches are done by journalists, then those searches should be free of restrictions as they're being done "for journalistic purposes". Hence they don't know which searches are done by journos, and which are done by ordinary Joe Public, then by extension, all Google searches should be considered to be for the purposes of journalism.

It's cheeky (if I'm reading it right), but that's what you pay lawyers for after all...

And easy answer would be to allow Google to have a non-EU rule approved mode, that journos could log into. Presumably just using the .com results without the right to be forgotten restrictions?

But then can you trust Google won't "accidentally" reveal that password, so everyone can use it?

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