Reply to post: Re: Not a Mac Clone

Huawei guns for Apple with Mac-alike Matebook X

Mark 110

Re: Not a Mac Clone

@Mage - what was all that about?

Mac clone? Of course it doesn't come with OSX its not made by Apple. Article was talking about the hardware.

Annoying Windows? Writing this on a windows/linux machine that hasn't annoyed me since I switched it on (windows) and doesn't come with thhe Apple idiot tax.

Linux - fairly sure it will work - apart from the auto screen rotate when I put this Lenovo Yoga in tablet mode then everything else works perfect under both Ubuntu and Mate. Fairly sure Huaweis stuff will be much the same.

I feel your pain if Lenovo aren't honouring law - go to a small claims court - you will be back with your money in no time. Would work the same for Huawei.

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