Reply to post: Re: You will never know the horrible truth about dark oil, err... dark matter!

Does my boom look big in this? New universe measurements bewilder boffins

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: You will never know the horrible truth about dark oil, err... dark matter!

"Post Brexit they need a new variable yurrupean one."

yeah what WAS it with all the science-re-namey things. The first time I heard 'Sieverts' I was all "what the hell?" and then I googled and found out that someone changed the name AND 1 Sv became 100 REM which is like "thanks a LOT for making me do more math in my head".

New 'SI' units meant "we were not very busy at that moment, so we did some make-work and appeared like we were doing something important for a while".

So why NOT come up with something more 'European' than 'Hubble Constant'? You can't have British or American scientist names in things any more, after all...

Let's call it "Lemaître's constant" from now on, then. He's a Belgian [that's EU enough, right?]

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