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RIP, Swype: Thanks for all the sor--speec--speedy texting

John Brown (no body) Silver badge

"At very least a download of the last version so you can still use it. Pulling it from the app store removes access to those who paid for it."

This is why I always save a copy of the APK too, I have a couple of apps that are no longer available, or I really, really don't like the newer versions but still need to install on another device or reinstall on a factory reset device. Particularly the XBMC remote control I prefer. All I want is a remote and I can switch off the little bling it does have. I don't need flashy thumbnails or access to the library or "currently playing" screens/displays. I can see/do all that on the screen where I'm actually watching the damned show. But XBMC Remote is not just discontinued, it's gone from the Play Store. Likewise Kingsoft Office (now WPS office). I don't need all the extra crap that comes with the new version, nor the additional key press to exit every time where the new ones don't exit the app, but go back to a screen where you can open recent documents, nor the extra "skip" button t get past the opening "brand awareness" screen.

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