Reply to post: Re: OP

Teensy plastic shields are the big new thing in 2018's laptop crop

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: OP

OP Seems to think RAM is the solution, and missed that their School PCs have economic OEM drives in them. So the extra £50~ on the RAM could have been used on the SSD upgrade and it would work *faster*.

So yes, on a system with a slow HDD and low ram, it is slow. Upping the ram allows Windows 10 to use prefetch options. You just sped up the computers in the most expensive way. Adding a faster HDD or SSD would benefit them, possibly better too as actual disk searching and non-cached content will be fast.

Though of cause just a RAM disk is the fastest option. But not needed on most browsing PCs/Laptops, so 4 or 6gb is the average.

[edit] Sorry, seems they have known this, and are upgrading old tech, so ram is a penny a stick.

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