Reply to post: Re: But it will be worth it

MPs: Lack of technical skills for Brexit could create 'damaging, unmanageable muddle'

veti Silver badge

Re: But it will be worth it

I would remind the house of how EU negotiations always go.

Going in, there's talk of agendas and constituencies and red lines, and it all looks kinda planned. Then things get bogged down, there's talk of breakdowns and everyone walking away empty handed, and all-night sessions as deadlines loom.

Then, at the last minute, there's a triumphant rabbit out of the hat that amounts to either extending the deadline, or face saving fudges all round. But, and this is important, there is no hint of this fudge before the last minute. Everyone talks as if there is total irreconcilable deadlock, right up to the moment there isn't.

The pattern is invariable. It's by design - it's the process that allows governments, all of them, to sell unpalatable fudges to their electors.

I don't see why we should expect Brexit to be different.

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