Reply to post: Re: Hmm

MPs: Lack of technical skills for Brexit could create 'damaging, unmanageable muddle'

codejunky Silver badge

Re: Hmm

@ Smooth Newt

"40 billion Euros is a big step up from "go whistle".1"

Go whistle was definitely the stance when the EU wanted more than the closing out of our membership. The EU demanding money because the UK (a net contributor) was leaving but didnt want to cut down the EU spending. 60bn being the amusing piss take that popped up originally, then 80 then 100. Offering the EU we will pay our previous commitments is quite honourable and nice. Adding that they mustnt be pricks about negotiating or they get nothing was just common sense.

"and even suggested the EU should give the UK £10bn instead for its share of the European Investment Bank."

I do like these statements. They demonstrate the poor ground the EU is standing on. Isnt gonna happen but still a good stick to beat them with when they act like children.

"But feel free to forget all this and just pick the largest figure you have ever heard bandied around"

See above. The start was 60 if I remember right which was laughed off. Dont feel free to forget that.

"Paragraph 38 of the agreement"

Cheers for the link. I will have a look at that. Always nice to have a bit more/up to date information

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