Reply to post: Re: Another lease extension for the life of copper access

CableLabs signs off MAC spec for DOCSIS full duplex

David Roberts

Re: Another lease extension for the life of copper access

Nice to know that I'm living in the distant futoure with my solid 160 Mb/sec VM cable service.

I am eligible for 200 Mb/sec but that would involve having the crappy SH3 so I am sticking with my original Superhub in modem mode.

Unless things have changed recently wireless is "round robin" so you don't have all the devices transferring data at the same time like you do with wired. So you would need high speed devices to get a slower speed average throughput on a shared router. No wireless device is likely to hit anywhere near the rated speed when contending for access to the router.

Noted that even with 160 Mb/sec download speed iPlayer and Netflix have buffering issues at times so the whole network neds to be able to support these speeds.

Helps to have a Gigabit switch under the stairs and all rooms wired, of course.

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