Reply to post: Re: Wow...

Women beat men to jobs due to guys' bad social skills. Whoa – you mad, fellas? Maybe these eggheads have a point...

Voland's right hand Silver badge

Re: Wow...

Like it or not, you might be a little behind the times on this one.

I disagree with this one. Nothing personal, but I have seen more than enough results of Testosterone doping from the "Golden Age of Eastern European SportDope". Close and personal.

So I definitely beg to differ on the claim that it is not a behaviour altering substance. The fact that it is not gender specific - that is something that book gets right. Women also produce it and some produce in ample quantities too. The ones that don't sometimes have it prescribed as a supplement too. It is one of the things ladies get prescribed if their sex drive is too low and they would like to fix it. If THAT is not a behavioural change use case, dunno what is.

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