Reply to post: Re: Speeding cars don't cause accidents

A tiny Ohio village turned itself into a $3m speed-cam trap. Now it has to pay back the fines


Re: Speeding cars don't cause accidents

"I don't believe that a driver who drives fast with a goal in mind will jeopardize the attainment of his/her goal by getting into an accident."

Utter bullshit. They have exactly three things in mind, and nothing else:

- It is my prerogative to drive as fast as I want and I do enjoy doing it so I damn right will, whenever I feel like it, which is always

- I am an excellent driver and accidents are what happens to other people - I can avoid one under any conditions because I have absolute perception and I am always perfectly in control

- I have none of my precious time to waste on those other losers who can't afford fast cars like mine - fuck them!

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