Reply to post: Re: What unpleasant memories?

Stop us if you've heard this one before: Tokyo crypto-cash exchange 'hacked' for half a billion bucks

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: What unpleasant memories?

Unless you are a miner* then all the money in Bitcoins is neutral. There will be as many winners as there are losers. The only way to keep the prices rising is to get more people to put money into it and for that to happen then you need to ensure trust in the system but even then there is only a finite amount of Bitcoins and only a finite amount of people. It works similar to a ponzi scheme but doesn't have such a quick end as, unlike a ponzi scheme, it isn't exponential.

The big losers will be the ones holding the Bitcoins when there is a big crash (or they get stolen etc) however making sure you are at the top end of the peak is very difficult, especially now there are traders heavily involved.

*Miners, of course, have their own set of economic considerations to make.

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