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GOLD! Always believe in your role. You've got the power to know you're indestructible...

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

"Powerful events in the lower atmosphere, such as hurricanes or tsunamis, disrupt these charged particles."

Good article overall, but I must take issue with this statement.

Charged particles from the sun that get trapped in Earth's magnetosphere generally stay far above even the stratosphere. Those that don't, interact with very high altitude air molecules and produce those eerie polar light shows we've all heard about or witnessed.

Hurricanes and tsunamis are quite low (tsunamis particularly so) and therefore the two regimes are separated by a considerable distance. Further, those low events are not magnetic.

How do those low altitude events affect space particles? Does the generated electric potential of a hurricane have the reach to disturb the paths of those high flying particles, so far above?

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