Reply to post: Re: shortsighed on Github's end too

GitHub shrugs off drone maker DJI's crypto key DMCA takedown effort

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: shortsighed on Github's end too

What I meant re. SO:

This is a link to answer about Perl and Unicode, as you would get it by using the "share" link at the end of each answer:

471272 is the ID of the user copying the generated shared link. I replaced mine with the person who originally answered. In his case, he has his real name - he's an author.

All you really needed was but SO helpfully added in your profile because you were logged in. Without really telling you, of course. And it can be spoofed too, so you can go pasting stuff around on alt.rec.perverts on someone's behalf.

Black Helicopter icon intended here.

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