Reply to post: Re: "github provides many workflow features"

GitHub shrugs off drone maker DJI's crypto key DMCA takedown effort

Tom 38

Re: "github provides many workflow features"

Nothing you can't setup on your own with free tools, if you don't want to pay, and get better ones with far more control.

You don't actually understand how commercial IT works I'm guessing. There is no option if I "don't want to pay". I either pay someone else to set it up for me and maintain and host it, or I pay in my time and resources to configure it, maintain and host it myself. The first option just takes a small amount of money, but the second one costs immediate development time (whilst we're setting it up) and reduces velocity (any time we need to maintain it) and introduces risks (disaster recovery).

As to "better ones with far more control", this is hardly accurate. As an example, we use the error reporting tool on some of our projects. This is an open source project, you can install it in house and host it yourself, which we did for about a year before switching to have them host. Guess what? Their hosted version has more features than they put in the open source public one.

The costs of hosting (2 application servers, two database, one redis) and the support costs (1 developer for 3 weeks initially, 1 more week doing upgrades) dwarfed what it would have cost us to have sentry host it. We get an additional developer-month of progress on our own tasks.

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