Reply to post: Re: It's a bit of a snicker, really.

Twitter breaks bad news to 677,775 twits: You were duped by Russia

veti Silver badge

Re: It's a bit of a snicker, really.

Don't you think those 62 million deserve some credit?

Absolutely, yes. The Russian interference was a drop in the bucket. But the election was so close, you can plausibly claim this drop swung it.

Of course it doesn't mean anything without the tens of thousands of other drops, all of which you could claim also swung it.

Most notably, I would point to the media's abject failure to stand up to Trump. We hear a lot about how they were all "in the tank" for Clinton, but that's bullshit. The leader writers all favoured her, because it's their job to think about these things, and anyone who spent more than three seconds thinking about the candidates could only, rationally, come to one conclusion - but the news writers have a different set of incentives, and Trump played them like a Fender stratocaster. Every time he launched some drivelling Twitter rant, he got a million dollars' worth of publicity for free. He's still doing it today.

Sure, Clinton's campaign made some truly howling mistakes. Some that even I could see, even at this distance at the time. But it was the media that lost it for her.

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