Reply to post: same bots that helped swing

Twitter breaks bad news to 677,775 twits: You were duped by Russia

John Deeb

same bots that helped swing

From the article: "These are the same bots that helped swing Donald Trump's 2016 electoral college victory."

Wow! This void statement from the Register probably has more weight and sub-sequential "damage" than 677,775 twitters glossing once in a while over political drips floating in the oceans of nonsense dripping from their overcrowded screens. Looking at the context and scale, the whole notion is rather nuts!

But that is the irony of this age! If Russian intelligence would have any overarching "evil" goal, then it would be to overheat and confuse the paranoid and hyper-excited Western mindset with more fake fakes and attempts at attempts which end up conflicting again with everything else implied before. And the population and politicians do the real work: self-destruction of their own narrative -- it breaks the back of nations.

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