Reply to post: Re: Trump..just..having a school girl crush on Putin's subversive methods of governance & law making

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Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Trump..just..having a school girl crush on Putin's subversive methods of governance & law making

Actually Trump's biggest weakness is his honesty. Not that I attribute that honesty to any particular virtue - I think he is often too proud or lazy to go to the trouble of lying.

But that is another reason why the establishment hates his guts so ferociously. He keeps on letting the cat out of the bag, openly saying what US governments have been doing for decades - but in careful secrecy.

The main difference between someone like Trump and someone like Clinton or Obama is that Trump will telegraph that he means to knock you down. Whereas they will smile ingratiatingly, suggest a closer relationship, invite you to dinner, and poison you - then claim you had a "heart attack".

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