Reply to post: Re: Follow-on to the previous post... sigh.

Twitter breaks bad news to 677,775 twits: You were duped by Russia

Eddy Ito

Re: Follow-on to the previous post... sigh.

If it wasn't for the fact that he isn't a committed communist I would assume he is an MI5 agent.

And there's the crux of the situation. He isn't a communist but he certainly does follow the twisted sister of communism which is crony capitalism. It's still essentially a command economy, how else does one direct to whom the money goes, and given that Putin may well be the richest man on earth - unofficially of course. In the end, while he may not be a communist, he's certainly the next "best" thing. Oddly that largely fits most everyone in the US Congress with the only difference being some want money and others want control and, unfortunately, they're willing to trade one for the other. I'll let you figure out which color team desires money and which desires power.

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