Reply to post: Re: Cautionary tale

Have three WINEs this weekend, because WINE 3.0 has landed

45RPM Silver badge

Re: Cautionary tale

Er., yes. But with the proviso that Wine is effectively sandboxed by your user account so, whilst any Windows malware that it executes might be able to affect your documents (and, given the different directory structures compared to Windows, even that isn’t guaranteed), the OS itself will remain unaffected and the integrity of other user accounts is likely to remain secure.

Note my hedging in the use of terms like ‘likely to’, ‘might be able to’. When dealing with malware one can never be absolutely sure - the price of security is eternal vigilance and so forth - all one can do is say that configuration a is likely to be more secure than configuration b.

And you know what they say. Bragging rights come before a fall.

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