Reply to post: Here's a Great Opportunity (for HuaWei) to Bring Jobs To America

Yay, it's power play day: Conaway prays USA says 'no way' to Huawei

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Here's a Great Opportunity (for HuaWei) to Bring Jobs To America

HuaWei should use an American proxy and supply redesigned products, to conceal their origins, then use automation for assembly, then sold in the USA.

Without a doubt this is another example of the USA bending the international trade rules of which it has an historical record (ask Canada). With the idiot president they have it might be also tinged with racism.

If HuaWei products are vetted by GCHQ, and GCHQ was sharp enough to spot Trumps Russian contacts before the USA, it must be sufficient to accept that HuaWei products are clean. Of course, it could be the NSA can't re-engineer them to allow them to be tapped by the USA.

BTW, check your 'American' products to see how many have been made overseas.

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