Reply to post: Re: Tiggity Re: The justice system really has money to waste?

'Repeal hate crime laws for free speech' petition passes 14k signatures

Jonathan Schwatrz

Re: Tiggity Re: The justice system really has money to waste?

"I'm guessing you do not have to deal with the barely functioning UK rail system on a near daily basis? If you did, you might realise why someone could easily rage tweet thet sort of thing....." It's called self-control. As I was taught from a young age - "engage brain before opening mouth". It would seem even smarter to engage brain before Tweeting, especially given that you have zero control over the likely audience of a Tweet. Whilst I have suffered the "joys" of the UK rail "service" many times, I have always kept my grumbling to a select audience and not felt the need to mindlessly shriek it over the Internet. Might I suggest the Millennial tendency to "look-at-me"-ism is really the culprit here?

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