Reply to post: Re: PowerShell?

PowerShell comes to MacOS and Linux. Oh and Windows too

Voland's right hand Silver badge

Re: PowerShell?

Powershell is far superior to Bash

At the point you are demonstrating the syntax is abominable so while you can wing all 15 use cases after quad espresso and an amphetamine chaser, doing so in a business environment should be a sackable offense.

If you want to use it for something THAT level of complexity neither bash, nor powershell do the job. You need to use a proper language, have test cases, unit testing and possibly integration testing. Sure, you can cook it in bash or ps instead of let's say python, but that means that you need to find someone capable of consuming the same speed flavored quad espressos to maintain it.

Both PS and Bash have lost the plot - they now allow what is effectively software development while having a readability compared to which badly written Perl reads like Shakespeare sonnets. No thanks, if someone starts building production code using either, sacking is the right thing to do.

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