Reply to post: Re: Hopefully vapourware?

Cisco can now sniff out malware inside encrypted traffic


Re: Hopefully vapourware?

You don't have to break the encryption to know enough to make informed decisions about the traffic.

(doesn't fit on one line, concatinate these two)


Just because you encrypt the message doesn't mean they can't track you down and as the article above states, encryption makes your traffic stand out like a massive billboard. The truth is, when it comes to encryption and online security, most people will put a big padlock on their front door and then unknowingly leave all their windows open.

So great, use encryption. Did you surf Facebook on the same computer you sent sneaky encrypted traffic from? Ooops, got ya!

Did you upload something to Google Drive and then forget to sign out before you opened your VPN? Ooops got ya!

The list is endless, and if you're mom uses the a computer on the same network as you do... Oooops, got ya! (Only one external IP address...)

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