Reply to post: Algorithmic Artificial Intelligence Hyperbolic Baloney

Think tank: Never mind WannaCry, update NHS IT systems for RoboDoc

Anonymous Coward

Algorithmic Artificial Intelligence Hyperbolic Baloney

Or AAIHB for short .. seem like a lot of people think they can make money out of the AI bandwagon.

'firms unfamiliar with the NHS's unique brand of organisation find it an "unfathomable task" to make it through the quagmire of unlinked data'

How about the NHS form a single centralized organization tasked with providing all technology solutions across the entire NHS. This organization would source the hardware and software from a number of suppliers, then test and deploy the solutions across the NHS.

"for instance those on low incomes that have less frequent interaction with the NHS"

I thought the NHS was designed to provide health care to those specifically on low incomes, when did that change?

"If industry is to use NHS data to design AI, as it does now, the NHS should make sure that it can reap the benefits in the long term," the report said. "Government should explore mutually beneficial arrangements such as profit and risk-sharing agreements."

Ah so, yet another strategy to hive off the most profitable parts of the NHS, and get the tax payers to finance it. Leaving the NHS a gutted shell occupied by various out-sourced private companies.

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