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90 per cent of the UK's NHS is STILL relying on Windows XP


With working life of experience of computers from when a gui was two red leds and a teletype..........

Most people work at a pay grade as high up as they can get by leveraging their whole brain to support a job and acquire enough skill to keep the job and have a life as well. That is fact. They do not include becoming a Microsoft jockey in their life statement.

I worked with scientific instruments in laboratories so I have forced myself to know about computers as control devices and later on as data storage and information handling enablement. At the same time I have done my utmost to avoid becoming a microsoft jockey. Doing that is a total waste of my real skills as a scientist. In fact, if I have worried about computers, it is to make them work and I can write software for that purpose. Microsoft has been a drag on everything I have ever done but. It was like a deal with the Devil to get my pay checks. They have been a major cost centre in every project I have ever worked on.

Imagine a doctor/nurse/policeman/armed services soldier and so on. What possible interest have they got in Microsoft when they can do what they need to do with a pen and paper? Their bosses may well be very interested in big data collection and analysis but again none of them want to become microsoft jockeys either. They are not being paid for that.

As for linux! It is only in the last five years that I would ever have considered using it seriously in a general work place environment.

Interestingly mobile phones may be the salvation of networked computing. Users can just use them with a web interface. The phone and the server support can then be managed by microsoft or linux jockeys and the mobile phones can be junked every three years or be fully software updated remotely. Non jockeys will be free of the microsoft curse for the first time in half a century. Their relief will be much the same as having WCs installed in their houses.

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