Reply to post: Re: Not panicked yet

No wonder Marvin the robot was miserable: AI will make the rich richer – and the poor poorer

Peter2 Silver badge

Re: Not panicked yet

The simple fact of the matter is that there is little concerted effort being made to force multinationals to pay tax. It's a problem that could be sorted out in any number of ways if the desire existed to do it.

Multinationals being too powerful is not a new thing either, the first europeon experiance with then was the East India Company, and if you think we've got problems with multinationals today then boy, have you got a surprise if you read a history book covering that era. The EIC was more powerful than it's nominally controlling government in terms of land under control, income and military size.

Multinationals these days are a problem, but they aren't directly ruling continents and could be brought under control with far less difficulty. The problem is largely bribary

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